Thursday, February 7, 2013

Warrior Princess arrested and sentenced

Lucy Lawless has been arrested, tried, sentenced — and still claims victory.
You could hardly expect the chakram-wielding veteran of “Xena the Warrior Princess” and star of “buckets-of-blood” “Spartacus” to be squeamish  about being sentenced over a protest. Lawless has consistently said she wasn’t sorry for the incident that led to her run-in with the law.

As the Los Angeles Times’ Christie D’Zurilla reported in June, Lawless was arrested in connection with a February  2012 Greenpeace protest.  She pleaded guilty at that time to charges of unlawfully being on a ship.
The actress and six other activists boarded the Arctic oil-drilling ship the Noble Discoverer, docked at New Zealand’s Port Taranaki. They climbed atop a 174-foot drilling tower  and stayed there — for four days — according to an Associated Press report.
While there, they camped, blogged and generally hung out.  The point was to protest oil exploration in the Arctic by delaying the ship’s voyage.  Done and done.
The company that chartered the ship, Shell Todd Oil Services, wanted $545,000 in reparations from the activists. A New Zealand judge on Thursday ordered each to pay $547 and complete 120 hours of community service.
Following the sentencing, Lawless said: “I consider it a great victory that the court has struck down the reparation demand from Shell, which I think was absolutely ludicrous.”
The judge did say that Shell Todd could pursue reparations through civil court.
The AP noted that Lawless said she still had no regrets and that she was happy to pick up litter, clean toilets or anything else asked of her as part of community service.
Scrubbing a toilet?  That’s nothing for this 44-year-old mother of three, especially compared with some of the things she’s had to do for the Starz series “Spartacus.”
Lawless talked to Show Tracker at the start of the series about her role as Lucretia: “There are buckets and buckets of blood!  I’ve got to be honest … when I saw the pilot, I did go, ‘Oh my God, perhaps those scenes are a little over the top.’ … I think it reined itself in a bit, though.”
As for Lawless, she does not plan on reining in her protest efforts. She said she planned to continue speaking out on the topics of climate change and oil drilling.


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