Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Sex is ‘Never Over’

For someone who was caught up in one of the biggest, most shocking sex scandals of the last few years, you'd think Arnold Schwarzenegger would want to steer clear of any sex-related talk for the foreseeable future. The "Terminator" star who admitted in May 2011 that he fathered a son with his family's longtime housekeeper,actually brought up the X-rated subject himself during an interview with Esquire, in which he finished sentences with his own thoughts.

About halfway through the questioning, Schwarzenegger was asked, "When you get older … " something which could have been answered dozens of innocuous ways. Instead, he responded, "sex may change a bit. When you're 65, it's not exactly the same as when you were 25. But that doesn't mean it's over. It's never over."
With that statement, it would seem like he's bragging about the fact that he still has sex … but with whom? In his memoir Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story, which was released in October, he claimed he wanted to work things out with his long-suffering wife Maria Shriver, noting that after they split because of his cheating admission he was still " turned on" by her. But in an interview with "60 Minutes" to promote his book, the former governor said they are still headed for a divorce.


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